Dr Suman Das


Ek Doctor Ki Maut: #RGKARMedicalCollegeKolkata


“Ek Doctor Ki Maut,” a film from our school days, once stirred up discussions about how a doctor fought against a corrupt system. On 9th August 2024, we are confronted with a real-life tragedy that echoes that movie’s themes. A resident doctor was brutally murdered during her duty hours at RG Kar Hospital, Kolkata. This incident brings back painful memories of heinous crimes against women, reminiscent of the Delhi rape and murder case, known as the Nirbhaya case. Now, this tragedy is referred to as the Abhaya case. But beyond the change in name, what has really changed?


Nirbhaya or Abhaya:

The name of the current incident lacks the letter ‘N,’ but does this signify that ‘N’ stands for “Nothing having changed over the years?” Our daughters are still not safe. We are still fearful of sending our daughters alone to tuition or the market. A mother remains anxious until she hears her daughter has safely returned home at night. We can’t voice our concerns because, despite living in what we claim to be a modern society, safety is often considered outdated thinking. Incidents like Abhaya or Nirbhaya reinforce the fear that every parent still harbors in their heart.

Vs. the System:

When a young woman dies under unnatural circumstances, the unfolding events are deeply troubling. The college authorities initially informed the parents that their daughter had committed suicide. The crime scene was distorted in the name of construction. When students demanded a proper investigation, their pleas were ignored. A peaceful march to show solidarity and demand an investigation was attacked by mobs who vandalized the scene, making us question if we are in India or Bangladesh. The principal, accused by students of being responsible for the crime, was quickly removed and reinstated in another college. Professors were transferred to prevent them from protesting, and protesting doctors were arrested rather than being given proper assurances by the authorities. These actions have caused widespread anguish among students and doctors across the country. The ruling party blames the opposition and vice versa, but we must remember that a daughter was brutally raped. Today, it has happened to Nirbhaya or Abhaya, but tomorrow it could be anyone. This is a time for authorities and politicians to set aside their agendas and work together to help law enforcement capture the real culprits. Lawmakers need to understand that political parties may change, but our daughters need a safe environment for a healthy future.

Beti Padhi Par Bachi Nahin:

The slogan “Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao” (Save the Daughter, Educate the Daughter) was meant to highlight our commitment to saving the girl child and improving gender equality. Yet, in cases like this, where the daughter of a middle-class family, who was made a doctor by her parents, has had her dreams shattered, the reality is harsh. The doctor who could have saved many lives from diseases like pneumonia and COVID could not survive. The irony is that she did not die of natural or accidental causes but due to a traumatic and heinous crime. The thought of her struggle during her last minutes, as described in her post-mortem report, is enough to give anyone a shudder. How is it possible that those who committed the crime might now be protected by the very people who should be working to bring them to justice?


We Failed as a System:

This incident forces us to question whether we have failed as a system. This system comprises not just the government but also parents who have failed to teach their sons about respect and modesty. We teach our daughters about bad touch, but do we adequately educate our sons about boundaries and respect for women?

Today, as Raksha Bandhan approaches, are we teaching our boys to protect and respect every daughter of the nation as they would have done for their own sisters?

Are we truly responsible enough to create a safe environment for future generations?

I rest my hopes on the conviction of the real culprits and the hope that future generations will not witness such incidents again. As the  Independence Day has passed by, we must reflect on whether we have truly achieved freedom???

Please give your opinion in the comment box below and do share.

Was Kolkata doctor’s death a cover-up for institutional secrets? – The Economic Times (indiatimes.com)

Kolkata Doctor Rape and Murder Case Live Updates RG Kar death August 18 Mamata Banerjee medic Protests CBI IMA West Bengal (abplive.com)















Dr Suman Das

Oncologist by profession, Amatuer Photographer, Tennis enthusiast, Vizag Runner, Spartan Cyclist, Blogger Dil se and a Traveller


  • prabal mohanty
    August 18, 2024

    Dr. Suman, you’ve hit the nail on the head , there are many things you have said which highlight the depravity and injustice of our system, and we forget all too easily. It’s true, being a girl child is not easy anywhere, particularly in India, where sons are not educated on how to respect and give space to the women in their lives. Merely holding a door open or saying pahle aap is not going to solve the problem of a chauvinistic past, but boys have to be taught how to quell the demons in their mind at the school level itself. I thought we had moved on, but it appears the elephant in the room has become larger, not smaller. On a different note, not only should this include young lady doctors but wherever a lady goes to work. Why should parents wait anxiously for their child to come home? More so, if the child is female……

  • Pradeep Koyyan
    August 18, 2024

    Well written Doctor sir , we all support you against the real culprit

  • Brajendra Behera
    August 19, 2024

    Very rightly mentioned Dr.Suman, that N stands for nothing has changed from Nirbhaya to Abhaya n as a system we failed…we failed make our society change in the approach towards safety of women..
    With prayers n deep hope that the real culprits to bring into account n true efforts to be made by our government to avoid such in future..

  • Janardhan Uppada
    August 19, 2024

    Truly we have failed and have been failing, but these failures are only talked about only when something heinous like this happens. We are concentrating only on punishing the culprits but it’s only half the problem solved. A cultural change has to happen and it should begin from every house to root out this problem. Unless that happens our girls can never be safe.

  • Radhika
    August 19, 2024

    Dr Suman,
    let’s take this — “educate the sons of the family” as the need of the hour. As medical professionals we understand the demons working in their brains, but we have to educate the public at large. Parents should be vigilant enough to notice the perversion in their son and seek professional help and guidance to weed the trouble before it takes roots and grows in to a tree. Cyber crime police should be active enough to stop the porn and other provoking videos on the web. Sympathising with the victim will not help . We have to be proactive in alerting the society.

    August 19, 2024

    Dear Suman,
    Your thoughts transcend the realms of the ordinary and the passing to the domain of the incredulous and bizarre.
    2. My sense of reasoning as a human being, honed over the centuries of societal time, is left anaesthetised and definitionless. 3. Time stands still as a mute spectator to the scene you describe so pithily, in total abandon to the Darwinian philosophy of “Survival of the Fittest”. Is it so simple a scheme of things to which we have no answer to!
    4. Are progress(ion) and regress(ion) reduced to mathematical deductions only, bereft of any human connotations. Do we then, given the repititive nature of its occurances, surrender to the sum of it all in so simplistic a deductive logic to pronounce it as “Quod Erat Demonstrandum(QED)”. And pass on with our lives until death rounds it with a sleep!
    4. To my mind, as a deeply clad societal being, given the conditionalities of the present, I summate that the senility of our thoughts and lives are reflected in the senility of our actions.
    5. I feel like a blood hound without any teeth, like a snake without a fang, a man without a conscience.
    6. Forgive me dear Brother, we have been dehumanised.

    Debi Padhi

  • Dr Manoranjan nayak
    August 19, 2024

    I m just deeply saddened these few days…today is my bday…and I decided not to celebrate…..

    such is the pain.
    well written Dr suman

    August 19, 2024

    Dear Suman,
    Your thoughts transcend the realms of the ordinary and the passing to the domain of the incredulous and bizarre.
    2. My sense of reasoning as a human being, honed over the centuries of societal time, is left anaesthetised and definitionless.
    3. Time stands still as a mute spectator to the scene you describe so pithily, in total abandon to the Darwinian philosophy of “Survival of the Fittest”. Is it so simple a scheme of things to which we have no answer to!
    4. Are progress(ion) and regress(ion) reduced to mathematical deductions only, bereft of any human connotations. Do we then, given the repititive nature of its occurances, surrender to the sum of it all in so simplistic a deductive logic to pronounce it as “Quod Erat Demonstrandum(QED)”. And pass on with our lives until death rounds it with a sleep!
    4. To my mind, as a deeply clad societal being, given the conditionalities of the present, I summate that the senility of our thoughts and lives are reflected in the senility of our actions.
    5. I feel like a blood hound without any teeth, like a snake without a fang, a man without a conscience.
    6. Forgive me dear Brother, we have been dehumanised.

    Debi Padhi

  • Gopal Gandikota
    August 19, 2024

    A very touching article Dr Suman sir .. we are all with you and every practicing doctor in this tragedy .. robust mechanisms to protect every daughter of this country should be brought into place .. actionable protective measures that would send chills down the spine of every molester / rapist should be brought in.. it should be tangible and not mere rhetoric sir .. hope the administrators and judiciary takes cognisance of this event as the last straw and get into action ..the very same land that worships Mother Kali does this to a girl ? It’s more than a mere rape and a murder .. it’s scarred the psyche of every woman in this country ..

    • kiriti chandra samantray
      August 19, 2024

      Very well said, Suman.i think we all in the society are also responsible for not raising our voice even if this sort of brutal incidents are happening time and again.

  • Srikanth Inturi
    August 19, 2024

    Well Written Sir.

  • Bharat
    August 19, 2024

    Dear Doc, a drastic tragedy struck not only the doctor but our entire society at large. Your poignant and lucid write up has identified the moot issue. You pointed out that ‘ beti padhao beti bachao’ is certainly not working. What is needed perhaps is “beton ko sahi sikhao beti bachao’. There should be compulsory periods in schools on gender sensitisation to begin with. Of course there are never one line solutions to complex societial problems but action must begin somewhere. May be we need have the ministry of education to consider this.

  • Chandana Das
    August 20, 2024

    Very well written Suman.When a child reaches her work place ,her parents think that now she is in a safe place because work place is the second home for them. That hospital was like her home & she was attacked there. Whenever I close my eyes the innocent face of the victim appears in front of me. Many questions arises. Whatever the reason may be the way she was tortured is not acceptable. We worship goddess Durga & Kali . But our real Durgas r not safe in this society.

  • Sovan
    August 20, 2024

    Heart wrenching injustice. Thanks for becoming a voice for the victim.


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