Dr Suman Das


 Sainik School Bhubaneswar: Inspiring Mentor Defeats Cancer Twice to Become Dr. Khitish Chandra Hati

Introduction: In the realm of education, there are exceptional individuals who go beyond the traditional role of a teacher. Mr. Khitish Chandra Hati, a teacher and mentor at Sainik School Bhubaneswar, is one such extraordinary figure. Renowned for his unwavering principles, Mr. Hati has played a pivotal role in shaping young minds and transforming boys […]

Lets Talk About Cancer: What is a Biopsy

What is a biopsy? A biopsy is procedure that checks an abnormal area of tissue. Doctors use different methods to do breast biopsies. They can: Use a large needle to take 1 or more small samples of tissue from the breast. Do an operation to take out part or all of the abnormal tissue. You […]

Baghban: Every day is father’s Day

Today is celebrated as FATHER’S DAY. Every one wish their father on this day especially when kids are abroad where the parents stay at old age home and on this day they have a celebration and get together. Do we really need a father’s day to wish our parents?  This reminds me of a few incidents […]

Stop before its too late

An appeal to all my readers stop using tobacco products before its too late. Imagine the picture as human Lungs the more we smoke and use tobacco products more it affects the lung and each and every cell of the body. QUIT TOBACCO

Women’s Day Special

Though a woman is always in the background but she always has got the most important role in the life of a man. She is a daughter, a wife, a mother and is the life of everyone in the family. Respect women. Happy women’s day

God has plan for every one of us: A true incident

Recently I read news A doctor was brutally killed by a person who alleged the doctors negligence killed his nephew (http://www.telegraphindia.com/1140924/jsp/odisha/story_18866076.jsp#.VDN72_mSySp) Few episode in renowned TV shows also condemned doctors for negligence and malpractices.  I was deeply hurt and decided to share an incident which happened recently. I would like to tell everyone Doctors try […]


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Dr Suman Das

Apollo Cancer Center




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